Regular School

Preschool & Toddler


Our regular school program is designed to provide joy in learning, love of order, independent children, respect, and interesting activities through the Montessori method.


child aged 3 – 6 years old
Monday – Friday
9 AM – 1 PM

The Learning process is accomplished during 4 hours to fully fill the children’s need in Montessori exploration. This program provides activities that include 5 Montessori areas (EPLSensorialMathLanguage, Culture).

Preschool program also promotes the children’s creativity through Arts and Crafts, Music, Dance and Science experiments.


child aged 2 –3 years old
3 & 2 days/week
7.30 – 9 AM

The Toddler program has main areas for the child to explore which are Sensory exploration, Practical Life activities, and Language skills.


Other activities that support the learning process to achieve the objective of Montessori Principle are below.

  1. Fieldtrip is conducted 2 times a year.
  2. Independence Day commemoration.
  3. Kartini Day commemoration.
  4. End year performance.
  5. Graduation Day.


School and parents play an important role for the children’s development. School will always update the children’s progress to the parents so they can collaborate to help the children’s development. Below is report that parents will get:

Weekly Report

Weekly Report will be sent to parents once a week via students’ accounts digitally.

Termly Report

Termly Report will be sent to parents once a term (every term) through PTD. Parents will be invited to come to have discussions with the teachers about children’s progress at school and at home.